At first I tried to keep him away and just have him watch but it quickly became evident that he was not going to be satisfied by just watching. Which was fine with me, because I whole heartily believe that you should expose your children to fine arts as early as possible. I remember when Valley was 8 months old and we let her paint for the first time everyone thought we were nuts. But she loved it and loves painting to this day!

So I took his clothes off and let him have at it! He loved it, tasted it...I mean sure, an 8 month old painting is more work because they try to eat the paint. Nothing that a few million "it's not for eating" can't fix! Is it just me or does Lyric look just like Mario in this photo?

It's probably just me...too much Mario Galaxy 2 at night I guess.

And their finished products! I love Valleys tower now! and Lyrics first time painting was a success!